“即”and “既”. These two words look so much alike that even many Chinese people can't tell them apart, so today we're going to take care of distinguishing them once and for all.
Difference 1, different pronunciation
Difference 2, different meaning
let's see what the dictionary says:
In fact, they are two very different words, only they look alike and are pronounced very much alike.
Let's do some practice.
Fill the gaps we learned using “即”and “既”.
1 她这个人___漂亮又善良。
2 小张钢琴弹的特别好,为了考验他的编曲能力,老师让他__兴演奏一曲。
3 __然这边的工作不需要我了,那我就先回去了。
4 __使你不去,我们也要给你留个位置。
5 她总是对我若__若离的,我不知道她到底喜不喜欢我。
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